Camp Gattawanna

Camp Gattawanna 2025

Camp Gattawana 2024 Logo


June 8th-13th, 2025


Be sure to get your registration and deposit or full tuition in early!

Camp Fees Schedule

Only $225 per camper! If tuition is paid in full before April 30th 2025

Only $240 per camper! If tuition is paid in full between May 1st and June 7th 2025

$250 per camper if tuition is paid the day of camp, June 8th 2024

INVITE A FRIEND!!!  Starting this year! If your returning camper invites a friend or family member, (not in the same household), who has never attended Camp Gattawanna,   Your camper will receive $25 off of their camp fees!!!

Discounts may also be available for multiple campers in the same family that are in the same household.

If you are not paying in full when you sign up, a $25 deposit per camper can be paid when registering, but the full amounts must be paid before June 7th to get that discount.

Camp Location

Gallilee Bible Camp in LaFollette Tennessee on beautiful Norris Lake!
550 Camp Galilee Road LaFollette TN 37766

Camper Drop Off

Drop off:
Parents, Guardians or other authorized persons can drop off campers:
Sunday June 8th between 2:00 and 2:30 pm.

Please have any payments due when dropping off.
Remember-camper fees on June 8th, if paid at the camp are $250.
Cash or Checks only please.

Camper Pickup / GALA

Please plan on attending the GALA to cheer on your camper for their hard work!
Parents, Guardians or other authorized persons can pick up campers:
Friday June 13th at the Campground

Our GALA will start at 6:30.
We encourage you to invite family or friends to watch your camper express the things thay learned camp week.
GALA is always a wonderful time and this year will be extra special with our 25th Anniversary Celebration!

After the completion of the GALA and the awarding of the prizes, you are free to collect your campers' belongings and take them home!
(They'll probably fall asleep before you reach the main road)

Click Here to Register and Pay for Camp Today!

What to Bring (and not to bring)

Click here to see the packing list for camp.

About Camp Gattawanna

Placeholder Picture

Camp Gattawanna was established in 1999 with a desire to allow kids the opportunity to learn the performing arts, perform in front of their friends, and be touched by the love of God and the power of the Holy Spirit!

This will be our 26th year running Camp Gattawanna.
For over 2 decades, we have seen the lives of hundreds of kids touched by God!  Kids’ hurts are healed, fears released, and hearts are filled with His love.

Under the leadership and supervision of committed Christian volunteers, your children will have the opportunity to learn and experiment in areas of the Arts, such as Dance, Flags, Hip Hop and Drama, or Sports Activities like Volleyball, Disc Golf, Basketball or Soccer!

The teaching and workshops are beneficial for any children with lots of enthusiasm, whether or not they have previous experience!

The work in the arts and sports will be balanced in daily teaching with a specific goal of encouraging the camper to combine performance with a solid spiritual life from a Bible based perspective. This input will come through dynamic worship times and daily Jesus encounters!

Prayer Gala at Camp Gattawana
Praying at Camp Gattawana

Our Praise and Ministry times are designed to edify the children as well as teach them how to edify the Lord as they learn to praise Him and give their lives in worship to Him!

We love associating the Performing Arts and Sports & Fitness into a relationship with Christ and we are very excited about the work God will do in these kids.

Fun water games at Camp Gattawana
Friends at Camp Gattawana

Jesus has a special love for children.

Jesus blessed children, healed children and said the kingdom of heaven belongs to children! Camp is a wonderful time and we are blessed that you allow us to minister to your campers!

Please be praying for the kids before and during camp, that God will move abundantly in each of their lives!

Gattawanna Olympics

The “Gattawanna Olympics” are a favorite of Camp Gattawanna!